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Mar 11, 2023
Club Reloadable - Kodak Ektar H35
Kodak's new half frame is probably one of the nicest looking cameras on the market right now. But how good a photo does it actually take?

Jun 24, 2022
Club Reloadable - Harman Reusable Camera
Ilford's entry into the reloadable camera market is a Kodak M35 rebranding but with Ilford's own black & white spin on things.

Apr 6, 2022
Club Reloadable - Kodak M35
The M35 comes in a rainbow of different colours and takes a straightforward approach to staking it's claim as a disposable alternative.

Jun 22, 2021
Game Boy Camera - easier to use now than ever
My hobbies collide... again... as thanks to the Epilogue GB Operator I can now shoot and save my GB camera images easier than ever before!

Jun 1, 2021
New Camera: Canon Powershot SX720 HS
I've got a new camera! The Canon Powershot SX720 HS. I took it, and it's crazy x40 zoom out in the Bank Holiday sun for a road test!

May 10, 2021
First Impressions of Kodak Ektachrome E100
Despite shooting film since 2008, I've genuinely never shot with slide film! Until now!

Mar 17, 2021
Competition Pro GBA Mini Camera
My hobbies collide as I get to shoot photos with my Game Boy Advance using the Competition Pro GBA Mini Camera!

Feb 11, 2021
Taking the Kassha out in the snow
I took my JCH Kassha out in the January snow to snap some wintery black & white shots on JCH Street Pan film.

Jan 28, 2021
Using a Cosmic 35 for the first time
The Cosmic 35 is one of the most produced 35mm cameras of all time, and I finally added one to my collection!

Nov 25, 2020
Canon Snappy EL - first shots with my Lockdown impulse buy
I impulse bought an American branded Canon 35mm film compact camera during Lockdown because that's just who I am.

Sep 24, 2020
I shot a 20 year old roll of Fuji Super G 400
I was gifted a 20 year old expired roll of film, the oldest roll of film I've shot with yet! And put it through my Olympus OM10.

Sep 18, 2020
Olympus Brio D-230 - resurrecting an almost 20 year old Digital Camera
I resurrected this almost 20 year old digital camera, the oldest I've used yet, and gave it a test drive.

Jul 24, 2020
First contribution to Indisposible Concept
I shot with an AGFA disposable camera throughout February and sent it to the folks at Indisposible Concept to share!

May 25, 2020
Quickpix Qp3 Pen Cam
A little pocket sized 18 year old digital camera that records terrible video, and makes you look a bit like you're in the Men In Black film.

Apr 15, 2020
Instax Mini Easter project
I don't use my Instax enough. And I'm stuck at home right now, but I still found a way to make photography happen with my Instax Mini!

Mar 18, 2020
Nostalgia trip through old band photos
Prompted to go through my photo archive by a Facebook group, I stumbled some old gems from my gig shooting days some 15 odd years ago!

Feb 26, 2020
First Impressions of Lomography Lomochrome Metropolis
The "first new color film" since 2014, looks exactly like it promises: desaturated colours and dramatic contrast, but I had some bad luck...

Jan 12, 2020
Olympus mju-II - first experience with this "premium compact".
The mju-II finds itself discussed in the same circles as the Contax T2 and Yashica T3 but it is genuinely a £200 premium quality camera?

Sep 30, 2019
Four year old Boots disposable camera
Shooting expired film is always a gamble, but what about film in a disposable camera 4 years out of date that you found in a junk shop?
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