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Jul 24, 2020
First contribution to Indisposible Concept
I shot with an AGFA disposable camera throughout February and sent it to the folks at Indisposible Concept to share!

Sep 30, 2019
Four year old Boots disposable camera
Shooting expired film is always a gamble, but what about film in a disposable camera 4 years out of date that you found in a junk shop?

Jan 8, 2019
Ilford XP2 Super Single Use - the B&W disposable
Super by name. Super by nature? Ilford's single use cameras give anybody the ability to shoot B&W photos. But how good are they actually?

Sep 13, 2018
Smile Single Use Camera - a review with photos
If you're wondering: "What is this camera? What do the photos look like? Is this worth buying?" Then I have some answers for you.

Mar 24, 2018
I found a 12 year old disposable camera in a junk shop...
... and I took some photos with it. The results were SHOCKING!

Jan 26, 2018
Reloading a Disposable Camera
After turning out crap the first time, I reloaded a disposable camera with a new roll of film and gave it a second chance...

Jan 17, 2018
The worst disposable camera I've ever used... but I'm not surprised.
What happens when you buy an unbranded underwater disposable film camera from TK Maxx? Well, it turns out to be not very good actually...
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