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Jun 1, 2021
New Camera: Canon Powershot SX720 HS
I've got a new camera! The Canon Powershot SX720 HS. I took it, and it's crazy x40 zoom out in the Bank Holiday sun for a road test!

Nov 25, 2020
Canon Snappy EL - first shots with my Lockdown impulse buy
I impulse bought an American branded Canon 35mm film compact camera during Lockdown because that's just who I am.

Jun 22, 2019
A week in Sicily with the Canon G7X MkII
I travelled with my G7X MkII to shoot the beaches of Capo d'Orlando and Cefalù, the Cascate Catafurco and the streets of Palermo.

Nov 24, 2018
Autumn Photo Series - an 'APS' on APS
In September I found out I could still get APS film processed, so I shot 4 rolls of film in 3 different cameras to capture Autumn on APS.

Sep 22, 2018
An afternoon with the Canon EOS R
In September 2018, Canon took their new system: the EOS R out on the road. I had an afternoon with it to try it out and take some photos.
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